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Octacosanol Powder

Product Overview
Octacosanol is a solid, waxy and insoluble compound that is a member of the fatty alcohol family. It is the primary component of this sugar cane extract called policosanol.

Octocosanol is also found in wheat germ oil, isolated from the wax usually found on the green blades of wheat.

Natural Origin: 100% Pure Natural Sugar Cane Wax

FREE from chemicals and pesticides


Octacosanol Powder

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Product Name Octacosanol Powder (Policosanol Powder)
INCI Name Octacosanol
Specification (Extract Ratio) 60%, 90%, 98% etc.
CAS# 557-61-9
Certificate: ISO22000, HACCP, IQNet, HALAL, KOSHER


What is Octacosanol?

Sugar cane wax extract policosanol powder, a natural compound derived from sugar cane wax. There are some promising results in clinical studies (primarily performed in Cuba) that classified the chemical derived from a food source (sugar cane wax extract policosanol powder) as a nutraceutical or natural products. Furthermore, more commercial products are derived from a variety of different sources (e.g. sugar cane wax, rice bran wax, bees wax etc).

Policosanol powder contains about 60% octacosanol, followed by triacontanol. There is a much lower concentration of several other fatty alcohols: behenyl alcohol, lignoceryl alcohol, ceryl alcohol, 1-heptacosanol, 1-nonacosanol, 1-dotriacontanol, and geddyl alcohol. Sugar cane wax extract policosanol powder is used as a nutritional supplement intended to lower LDL cholesterol and increase HDL cholesterol and to help prevent atherosclerosis, though some studies have raised questions about the effectiveness of policosanol.

In recent years, octacosanol has become a world-recognized functional substance with health care effects. 

As a safe and efficient nutritional supplement, octacosonol has many biological functions and clinical application values. 

It not only provides people with a variety of products used in medicine, health care, cosmetics, etc., but also been gradually applied to the sports sector, which can not only enhance the human body's energy and endurance, but also help weight-lost, supplement the energy consumption of athletes as well as increasing the competition winning  potential.

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Product Name

Octacosanol Powder (Policosanol Powder)



Botanical Source

Saccharum sinensis Roxb./Rice bran

Specification (Extract Ratio)

60%, 90%, 98% etc. 

White Crystal Powder
Particle SizeSubject to further requirement
CAS Number 557-61-9
Formula C28H58O
Molar Mass 410.759 g/mol

Non toxic effects & clinically significant side effects 

CertificateISO22000, HACCP, KOSHER,HALAL
Testing MethodTLS (or subject to other specific testing standards)
HS Code 2932209090
Declaration Elements

Product name, Ingredient content, Use, Packaging etc


1kg per Aluminum Foil Bag; 25kg per Cardboard Drum 

Shelf LifeUpto 24 months in dry, cool, and well ventilatdd storage condition

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Clinical Research has proved a series of unique physiological functions for Octacosanol Powder via a therapeutic Effective on re-productive dis-orders in human body in North America in 1930s.

1. Lower blood lipids and cholesterol in the body, lower blood sugar; 

2. Anti-atherosclerosis, regulate blood pressure; 

3. Improve the endurance of the body, increase the endurance of athletes, and strengthen the heart function; 

4. Reduce the body's stress response and improve sexual function; 

5. Inhibit gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer; 

6. Anti-platelet aggregation, prevent thrombosis; 

7. Protect the liver, enhance the detoxification ability of the liver, and regulate kidney failure.

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People use octacosanol for athletic performance, Parkinson disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, Lou Gehrig's disease), high cholesterol, and many other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support these uses. 

The LD50 Value (a common indicator of the toxicity of a substance) may reach 18,000mg/kg after over-taking octacosanol.

Don't confuse octacosanol with policosanol. These are not the same. 

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Sports Health Functional Food

Octacosanol can not only enhance the energy and endurance of the human body, but also facilitate weight loss, supplement the energy consumption of athletes, and increase the chance of winning. 

Health Food 

that helps to treat osteoporosis, high cholesterol and prevent cardiovascular disease. Octacosanol can reduce excessive calcium and fat content in the blood, is a promoter of calcitonin formation, and can be used to treat osteoporosis, high cholesterol and high lipoprotein blood group diseases caused by excessive blood calcium, prevent Cardiovascular disease occurs. 

Special Health Food for Sailors

Octacosanol will likely become an important component of astronauts' health food. 

Sexual Enhancement Function Food

The latest research shows that octacosanol can enhance the sexual function of animals and humans. Enhance the sexual function of male animals and elderly men and have an adjuvant therapeutic effect on degenerative neuronal diseases. 


Octacosanol is used in cosmetics, and its main functions are to promote blood circulation, improve oxygen transport capacity, and improve basal metabolic rate. At the same time, it can be absorbed through the skin by wiping, and it can revive cells, enhance skin activity, and eliminate skin wrinkles. So far, stearyl alcohol has been widely used in cosmetic products such as conditioners, lipsticks, and nail polishes in countries like Japan. 

In addition, according to a patent report published in Japan, the mixed alcohol containing stearyl alcohol can significantly improve the activity of cell function, and has obvious medical effect on alopecia. It has been confirmed by human trials that octacosanol is very safe for the skin. 




Contact: Mr.Frank Yan

Phone: +86-136 6928 6364


Whatsapp:+86-136 6928 6364

Add: Room 1204 A290, 12F, The Galaxy New Coordinates, No.25 Tangyan Rd, Xi'an Hi-tech Zone, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China